The Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies (MCCS) is hosting a summer school on the topic of Consciousness and Introspection on July 13th – July 19th, 2020. The summer school will be led by philosopher Prof. Daniel Stoljar, Australian National University.
Graduate students and recent PhDs are invited to submit applications to participate in this summer school. For a week, you will be hosted by MCCS in Riga and Kuldiga District in Latvia.
The MCCS will provide accommodation and breakfasts. We will compensate the full travel expenses to and from Riga for two applicants, selected by the organizing committee.
To apply for admission to the summer school, please submit a ten-page writing sample (2,500 to 3,000 words) that demonstrates your knowledge of current work on the topic of consciousness and introspection and your own ideas about this topic. Please, also submit a letter of recommendation from a philosopher working in this area (your supervisor or other specialists who know your work), and a Curriculum Vitae.
The deadline for submitting applications is April 5th, 2020. Please, send your application materials to Artem Besedin at rigasummerschool2020@yandex.ru. Decisions will be announced by May 3d, 2020.
For further information about the MCCS and its activities, see http://www.hardproblem.ru.