
Scanlon's moral realism. Scientific seminar of the Center for Consciousness Studies

9 January, 2022

The new season of scientific seminars of the Center for Consciousness Stidies opens with a discussion of the book by Harvard Professor Thomas Scanlon "Being Realistic About Reasons".

In this work, the famous American philosopher tries to rethink the nature of normativity. Why do we act the way we do? why do we adhere to the views that we adhere to? Scanlon puts forward a seemingly paradoxical thesis: we are always proceeding from certain grounds, and these grounds themselves cannot be reduced to non-normative truths, nor identified with them, nor explained in other normative terms, such as rationality. The foundations never depend on desires, they never get their power from somewhere outside of themselves. Therefore, the grounds are theoretically fundamental and do not depend on the actor. Defending such a point of view makes Scanlon one of the most consistent modern moral realists.

Speakers: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Evgeny Loginov, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Artem Yunusov.

Moderator: A. Mertsalov.

Participants in the order of replicas: O. Cherkashina, A. Kuznetsov, A.Limitovsky, A.Kostikova, A.Besedin, V.Vasilyev.