
Anton Kuznetsov and Artem Besedin at the non-fictioN Book Fair

2 May, 2023

Anton Kuznetsov and Artem Besedin talked about literature in the era of artificial intelligence at the presentation of a book written by GPT-3.

The book "What Makes Us Human: An Artificial Intelligence Answers Life's Biggest Questions" is written by the world's most advanced natural language processing machine GPT-3 from OpenAI, founded by Elon Musk. The famous poet Iain S. Thomas and the scientist-innovator Jasmine Wang asked GPT-3 the eternal questions of mankind: why do we live? How to overcome suffering? Is there life after death? And they received deep ambiguous answers that can turn our ideas about ourselves upside down. The data used by AI was based on key texts for world culture – from the Bible and the Tao te Ching to the poetry of Rumi and Sappho. The presentation of the book discussed how literature has changed in the digital age, what awaits us in the future and what the prospects for the interaction of artificial intelligence with human consciousness are.

Read a brief summary of the discussion in the telegram channel Anton.