
Being and thinking. Scientific seminar of the Center for Consciousness Studies

9 January, 2022

The third MCCS seminar this year is dedicated to Irad Kimhi's book "Thinking and Being", which many have already declared a sign of the end of modern analytical philosophy.

In this small, but extremely theoretically loaded book, Kimhi offers a radically new look at a number of classical logical problems: the content and power of judgment; the relationship of negation and non-existence; the differences of intensional and extensional contexts, etc. Based on the proposed difference between the categorical (predicative; capable of being part of a predicative expression) and syncategorematic (non-predicative; In the first chapter, Kimhi tries to prove that the logical does not differ from the psychological (a thesis that he himself designates as psycho-logical monism), and also on the assertion that in a counterdictor pair of judgments (consisting of an affirmation and negation of the same content), the negative judgment differs from the affirmative precisely syncategorematically. In the second chapter, he develops the original concept of truth, which is based on the statement that a fact differs from a related proposition only syncategorematically.; and in the third, he examines the problem of ontological implications of negation.

Keynote speakers - Ph.D. V. Vasilyev (Ph.D., MCCS and MSU) and A. Yunusov (Ph.D., RAS)

The seminar was also attended by: Ph.D. A. Besedin, Ph.D. A.Kuznetsov, Ph.D. E. Loginov, A. Mertsalov, A.Tanyushina, Ph.D.A. Veretennikov, students and postgraduates of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.