

Hardcore metaphysics
in simple words
The Philosophy of D. Dennett. Lecture 4
The Philosophy of D. Dennett. Lecture 3
The Philosophy of D. Dennett. Lecture 2
The Philosophy of D. Dennett. Lecture 1
Free Will: New Twists in the Old Discussion
The problem of free will – a classical philosophical problem with a long, rich history – during the last several decades became one of the key subjects in the analytic philosophy of mind. These discussions lead to the appearance of new ideas and arguments. On 2...
Moscow addresses of Wittgenstein, or where can analytic philosophers gather?
How can mind-body problem be solved?
В статье обсуждаются пути возможного решения проблемы сознание-тело. Автор предлагает трактовку проблемы сознание-тело как совокупности ряда частных вопросов и делает попытку показать, что, несмотря на замечательные достижения экспериментальных наук о сознании, есть ...
In defense of classical compatibilism. V.Vasilyev
This paper is devoted to free will problem. Author holds that free will is compatible with determinism. He suggests a new solution to the problem, wich name is “ultracompatibilism”.

This paper deals with classical compatibilism – traditional approach to the free...
Was Hume a Skeptic?
In this paper I argue against a common opinion, according to which Hume believed that it is impossible to defeat skepticism theoretically, and, consequently, that he was a true skeptic. I try to show that Hume believed in the possibility of reconciling contradictions...
A way forward to solve the hard problem of consciousness

“I participated in the Greenland consciousness cruise referred to in your article (The I in mind, 21 January). The majority of the participants were in the Daniel Dennett camp, according to which proper respect for science requires us to deny the very existence of...

In What Russian philosophers believe? Comment on the Survey by prof. Vasisliev
Consciousness and the Things
Сознание остается одной из главных загадок для философии и экспериментальной науки. Эта книга – попытка по-новому взглянуть на старый вопрос. Признавая успехи экспериментальных исследований сознания, автор тем не менее проводит свои изыскания в концептуальном ключе, ...
The mind-body problem in the phenomenological perspective
В этой статье, как ясно из ее названия, я рассмотрю различные аспекты трактовки проблемы сознание-тело в феноменологической перспективе. Изложение будет построено как ряд ответов на вопросы, значимые в этом контексте. Во-первых, я покажу, почему имеется объективная п...
Hume's Methodology and the Science of Human Nature
In this paper I discuss a few turning points in Hume’s life and try to show that their traditional representations must be reconsidered. At first, I discuss the early period of Hume’s intellectual development and argue that his recently discovered “An Early Fra...
Vasilyev V. V. “The Hard Problem of Consciousness”

Vasilyev’s book is devoted to the discussion of the hard problem of consciousness – the question of why the function of the human brain is accompanied by the subjective experience. The author considers the origins of this problem first formulated in a clear ...

The Hard Problem of Consciousness and Two Arguments for Interactionism (rus)
The Hard Problem of Consciousness and Two Arguments for Interactionism (eng)
Elusive Freedom: The problem of bases of Kant’s ethical system
Уже через 6 – 7 лет после появления “Критики чистого разума” Кант стал самым влиятельным философом в Германских государствах. Феномен его успеха, на первый взгляд, загадочен. Ведь “Критика” написана сухим языком, изобилует непривычной по тем временам терминологией, и...
The debate on consciousness in the analytic philosophy (the preface to the publication)
Coca-Cola and the secret of the Chinese room
Многие согласны, что история философии – это история аргументации по традиционным фундаментальным вопросам. Плодотворность той или иной эпохи определяется масштабностью набора аргументов, придуманных в ее рамках. XX век в этом смысле оказался на очень высоком уровне....
Philosophical psychology in the age of enlightenment
XVIII век был временем величественных философских систем. Главные силы европейских мыслителей были брошены на изучение человеческой природы и сознания. Достигнутые ими результаты сохраняют свою актуальность и в наши дни.
В книге доктора философских наук В.В.Васильева...
The Cellars of Kantian metaphysics
Философию Нового времени справедливо называют философией субъекта. Действительно, начиная с работ Декарта 30-х годов XVII века, вопрос о человеческой субъективности занимает центральное место в проблемном поле новоевропейской философии. Эта тема доминирует в европейс...
Kant and kantian themes in recent analytic philosophy
This article notes six advances in recent analytic Kant research: 
(1) Strawson’s interpretation, which, together with work by Bennett, Sellars, and others, brought renewed attention to Kant through its account of space, time, objects, and the Transcendental Deduction...
Kantian objects: problems and perspectives of research
В данной статье рассматриваются некоторые проблемы, вытекающие из кантовской теории познания: проблема Мура, проблема противоречивых предикатов и проблема ноуменальных пространственно-временных форм. Автором предлагается новая интерпретация этого круга проблем в рамк...
Fiction and Its Objects
The article is dedicated to the problem of fictional characters’ onthological status. Various ways of the solution in the framework of contemporary analytic philosophy are taken under review. Actuaist realism and truthclaiming nonrealism are marked out as the most pr...
Types, indicated and initiated
I defend the conception of musical works as indicated temporally initiated types against Julian Dodd’s recent argument that all types are eternal and uncreated. In doing so, I develop a new account of both cultural and natural types. While types are in a certain sens...
Ontology and the Nature of the Literary Work
Poems, novels, and other works of literature have long provided prime examples for the ontology of art. Theorists have made many attempts to identify the ontological kind or kinds into which such works, or their major or standard sorts, fall. Familiar suggestions for...
Fiction, semantics of

Taken at face value, ‘Anna Karenina is a woman’ seems true. By using Tolstoi’s name ‘Anna Karenina’ and the predicate ‘is a woman’ we appear to refer to the character Anna and to attribute to her a property which she has. Yet how can this be? There is no actual woman...

Kant’s Transcendental Deduction: An Analysis of Main Themes in His Critical Philosophy
Apperception and the 1787 Transcendental Deduction

“This paper concerns the problem of how Kant can validate a questionable claim that he makes in §16 of the 1787 B-edition of the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories, as well as the relation of that claim to Kant’s account of apperception, or the intellectual...

Kant’s First-Critique Theory of the Transcendental Object
The paper discusses major issues concerning the A104-10 transcendental-object theory. For that theory, our de re knowledge becomes related to its object just because our understanding (using the concept of a transcendental object) thinks a certain...
Fictional Objects: How they are and how they aren’t

At Kenyon College, when I was an undergraduate (from 1957 to 1961), my friends and I argued hard about philosophical texts and issues, and we each spent many hours trying to think through the proper interpretation of these texts. A great deal of the stimulus for ...

Ordinary Pictures, Mental Representations, and Logical Forms

“Elliott Sober has written an interesting paper containing striking generalizations and speculations that relate pictures, language, and perception. His inquiries display an admirable breadth and imagination, and I think that we must immediately grant some of his...

The Logical Structure of Pictorial Representation

“In this paper I answer the question: what logical form have statements in which a picture is said to represent some object? More exactly, my question is: of what symbolic sentences, expressed in the first-order predicate calculus (perhaps supplemented with modal...

Intuition, Synthesis, and Individuation in the Critique of Pure Reason
Seeing as

A concept of considerable importance in the study of perception, of representation and expression in the arts, and of metaphor, whose explication affords many difficulties, is that of seeing as. Since Wittgenstein introduced this concept into analytic philosophy ...

Review of D. Pereboom’s Book “Free Will, Agency, and Meaning in Life” (2014) by Dmitry Volkov
Review of D. Pereboom’s Book “Free Will, Agency, and Meaning in Life” (2014) by Dmitry Volkov
The problem of mental causation: review of the newest researches
The subject of this research is the modern analytical philosophy and the problem of mental causation in particular. This problem consists in combination of persuasion in the causal closedness of the world with the idea that mental conditions are causally effective. T...
The “Consciousness Thesis” and Moral Responsibility in Neil Levy’s Research
The problem of free will: an overview of major studies by analytical philosophers in late 20th – early 21st century
Narrative Approach as the Solution to the Personal Identity Problem
On organization of the conference in Greenland “The problems of consciousness and free will”
Are psychopaths morally responsible persons?
It seems that there is collision between the contemporary legal practices and philosophical views on the moral responsibility of psychopaths. A number of philosophers and psychologists argue that psychopaths lack certain qualities necessary for moral personhood...
Physicalism or even more than that. What proves the exclusion argument of J. Kim?
Philosophy of Mind. Series of Lectures
Аргумент внутреннего времени

“Сёрл известен своим мысленным экспериментом Китайской Комнаты. Аргумент впервые появился в статье «Сознание, мозг и программы» в 1980 г. С помощью этой истории Сёрл оспаривает тест Тьюринга как критерий рациональности, идею о том, что мышление...

Free will in libertarianism of R.Kane
This paper is devoted to the causal-libertarian account of free will by one of the leading contemporary analytic philosopher R. Kane. His theory is in line with modern physics and lay people’s intuitions about free will. The core of Kane’s theory is his argumen...
What do the manipulations with the Manipulation Argument show?
In this paper the author criticizes one of the most influential argument against compatibilism in free will debates – The Manipulation Argument by D. Pereboom. In this argument D. Pereboom suggests analogy between the cases where the agent is manipulated and ca...
Boston’s zombie: D. Dennett and his theory of consciousness

Эта книга о загадке сознания и о попытках найти ее решение современным американским философом Дэниелом Деннетом. Суть загадки, вопрос о психофизическом взаимодействии, в прояснении отношения между сознанием и мозгом, психическим и физическим. А исходные условия — ...
Dennett's theory of consciousness (thesis for PhD)

Во Введении обоснована актуальность диссертационной работы, проведен исторический обзор литературы по данному вопросу, обозначены подходы к исследованию философии Д. Деннета в российском и англоязычном философском сообществе. В особенности...

The debate on consciousness in the analytic philosophy (Review of the conference "Philosophy of Consciousness: History and Modernity", November 2006)
Physicalism or even more than that. What proves the exclusion argument of J. Kim?
Consciousness supervene on the brain. What does it mean?

Обычно говорят, что сознание супервентно на мозге. В первую очередь это означает, что сознание зависимо от мозга и что физические свойства мозга первичны по отношению к свойствам сознания, определяют их («свойство» в данном случае — широкое понятие, вместо него можно...

Local interactionism. The New Solution to the Problem of Mental Causation
Constitutive panpsychism and the problem of mental causation

The paper presents one of the contemporary theories of consciousness –  a constitutive panpsychism of David Chalmers. Suggestion of protophenomenal properties intends to reconcile the dualistic intuition with the naturalistic view of the world, to close ...
Blindsight phenomenon. Unexpected luck of Nicholas Humphrey and new problems
Science and Philosophy of Mind. Public lecture at State library for Youth
Greenland cruise report

Now we are pleased to offer you a small photo story about the conference.

A-consciousness and P-consciousness. Paper of Anton Kuznetsov

Kuznetsov’s article considers Ned Block’s well-known distinction between phenomenal consciousness and access consciousness. In contrast to Chalmers’ hard problem of consciousness, phenomenal consciousness, as described by Block, does not present ...

How strong is the evolutionary argument against epiphenomenalism?
Review of Artem Besedin on the Russian edition of Sam Harris’ book “Free will”
Peter Strawson’s naturalistic argument for moral responsibility
Among all the works of Peter Sroson, only two articles concerns the ques-tions of moral philosophy. The first article “Freedom and Resentment” contains Strawson’s answer to the deterministic argument against moral responsibility. This paper intends to demonstra...
Free Will: Reality or Illusion? Text of Public Lecture of Artem Besedin
The sessions of the Greenland conference: Paul Churchland and David Chalmers
Berkeley on the natural laws of society
In the present article I examine two arguments Berkeley proposes to prove his claim that moral precepts are natural laws. The examination is based on Passive obedience and Berkeley’s Guardian essays. The first part of the article presents an analysis of the uti...
The formation of Berkeley’s Immaterialism
The article focuses upon the development of Berkeley’s immaterialism from the first mention of the “the immaterial hypothesis” in his manuscripts to the creation of the philosophical doctrine published in “Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge” ...
George Berkeley as a Philosopher of Enlightenment
The article analyzes Berkeley’s place in the philosophy of Enlightenment. The Irish context of development of Berkeley’s philosophy is discussed, as well as its impact on French and American Enlightenment. In the article, the question of Berkeley’s influence on...
The theory of Ideas of George Berkeley
In the article, the author considers an important aspect of Berkeley’s philosophical doctrine – the theory of ideas. The first part contains an analysis of Berkeley’s notion of idea. Berkeley borrows this notion from Locke to concretize and transform it. The pr...
Spirit as an object of cognition in Berkeley’s immaterialism
The author considers the issue of cognition of spiritual substance — one of problems in Berkeley’s philosophy on the basis of his published works of 1709—1713 and his philosophical notebooks. The problem of self-knowledge is also in the research focus.
Neurophilosophy on the way of solving problems

Churchland is trying to combine philosophy, neuroscience and evolutionary biology within consciousness studies. In her interviewm she discussed the following questions: What is eliminativism and its difference from the identity theory? Could armchair philosophy and...